General Information
What is done at Board Meetings?
Board meetings are held for the purpose of acting upon recommendations of the Superintendent, adopting the annual budget and tax rates, adopting policies, and authorizing the spending of funds. Although any matter may come before the Board, most school-related issues are handled through administrative channels.
When and where are Board Meetings held?
Regular Board meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Board room adjacent to the Central Office at 9423 N SR 9, Hope, IN 47246.
Are Board Meetings open to the public?
All regular Board meetings, special Board meetings and emergency meetings are open to the public.
How can I address the Board?
Public comment is on every Board of Education public meeting agenda. During the Public Comment portion of the agenda, the President of the Board of Education will ask if anyone has a public comment. Please indicate at this time if you wish to make a public comment. You will be called on by the President of the Board of Education. Written statements are acceptable and will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel for proper follow-up.