iPads in the Classroom
What is the 1-to-1 iPad program?
FRHC is dedicated to developing the skills our students need to be equipped to live and work in the 21st century. Accessible technology, such as iPads, inpidualize learning so that students expand their knowledge and enhance their skills in math, reading, history, and science, as well as in many other subjects. Students need to master digital tools to creatively and responsibly solve new problems while having access to learning resources that expand the classroom walls and make the world their classroom.
This initiative began in 2013-14 with dedicated iPads carts in the 6th grade classrooms. In 2014-15, 5th, 7th and 8th students were issued iPads. The jr high grades transitioned to take home devices after training on proper use and care including lessons on Digital Citizenship. In the 2015-16 school year all students grades 6th-12th grade received an iPad. In addition all grades 1st - 5th will have a dedicated iPad cart that each student will be assigned an iPad for school only use.
Our vision:
Maximize technology rich environment by supporting and growing staff in SAMR best practices and become exemplars of ISTE standards to positively impact student learning.
How will students use the iPads?
iPads are personal tools. Students will use the iPads in and out of the classroom to do the following:
- Learn applications and skills such as word processing, graphic design, art design, and PowerPoint/Keynote presentations
- Conduct research in real-time learning
- Participate in inpidualized enrichment and intervention programs
- Collaborate on projects with other students in class and across the globe
- Use the best of what technology has to offer, specific to each grade and subject area
How have teachers been prepared and trained for the program?
The teachers received iPads early and have been investigating digital resources to add to their curriculums. An E-Learning Coach has been hired to facilitate the process of app selection, curriculum mapping to standards, and best practices in the classroom. Summer Trainings in 2014 and 2015 have been conducted on integrating technology in the curriculum which included teachers from Grades 6-12.