What is an eLearning Day?
On an eLearning day, students do not physically attend school. Instead, they use their iPad to access lessons and complete assignments provided by their teachers.
Students are counted "Present" for attendance purposes by completing their assignments for that day.
Students are allowed a window of time, and lessons will not be due until multiple days after the eLearning day. This allows for students to get internet access or additional help, if needed, before the due date.
eLearning Day Goals
FRHC's eLearning day goals are to...
Provide instruction during the school year for professional development days that is more meaningful than instruction on days that are added at the end of the year.
Maximize opportunities for students prior to the start of standardized testing, i.e. iSTEP, iRead, ECA and AP Testing.
Offer students quality experiences with digital learning that is a part of the College & Career Readiness standards.
Increase teacher capacity to design and deliver quality digital instruction.
Continue to expand seamless learning delivered on days when school is not in session.
Where do students get eLearning Lessons?
Hope Elementary students can access lessons on the HES eLearning Page.
Hauser Jr. / Sr. High School students can access lessons by logging into Canvas at https://flatrock.instructure.com.
Additional questions may be answered in this FAQ document.
If you have unanswered questions please contact the school.